About Me

The following description was made almost 04 years ago. So it’s outdated. I’m not updating it since this blog is going off. Read here.


I’m atheist, gay and “kind of” vegetarian. My academic interest is on researching the speech and the homosexuality, specially through media. I appreciate reading about politics and epistemology; I love English and French; I’m just a little bit addicted to twitter and I’m tired of MSN, but I still use it; I’m a lover of Portuguese even with some mistakes here and there.

I was volunteer teacher at a “Pre-Vestibular” (entrance exam) for 2 years, learner of popular e environmental journalism (perhaps “communitary”) and I’m watchful to the politics in Brazil, mainly on Human Rights concerns and specially on issues of LGBT community.

I’m Bachelor in Journalism by Federal University of Santa Maria and currently a Master student in Communication and Culture at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Apart all this, I’m pretty human and enjoy the life. Feel free to be in touch. Hugs.

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