The UN and homophobia

This april, the United Nations made a brochure with many data and statements (from human rights reports) on the situation of LGBT community rights worldwide. The material was elaborated by the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, nowadays chiefed by the South African Navanethem Pillay. Few days ago, she made a video statement on increase of crimes against LGBT populations all over the world (she mentions, nominally, New York, Brazil, Honduras and South Africa). You may either watch the video and read her speech in the up link.

In Brazil, the spelling book was translated by International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia Committee (IDAHO), which gathers the several international initiatives on the May 17th, date that marks the removal of homosexuality (in 1990) from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-WHO). In a partnership of ABGLT with IDAHO Committee in Brazil, the brochure was translated (original here). I had the pleasure to colaborate making the first translation of the document for subsequent review. By clicking on the image below, you can see the pdf of brazilian portuguese version.

Considering that penetration of this theme on UN is always very sensitive – not rarely several African countries and the Middle East were able to veto debates and resolutions on this issue in the United Nations -, it’s important this material had been produced and contains plenty of data and declarations of UN’s special rapporteurs. It’s a first step for LGBT community to be effectively relevant on the human rights field in international sphere.

Ps.: I have been without writing in English for several years, so my translations may be a little “weird”.

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